SECONDARY_TRANSACTION_QTY NUMBER Transaction quantity in terms of the item's secondary unit of measure. SECONDARY_UOM_CODE VARCHAR2 3 The unit of measure code in which secondary transaction quantity is specified. TRANSFER_PRICE_QTY NUMBER Identifies the transfer price quantity. TRANSFER_PRICE_UOM_COD...
SECONDARY_TRANSACTION_QTYNUMBERTransaction quantity in terms of the item's secondary unit of measure. SECONDARY_UOM_CODEVARCHAR23The unit of measure code in which secondary transaction quantity is specified. TRANSFER_PRICE_QTYNUMBERIdentifies the transfer price quantity. ...
SECONDARY_TRANSACTION_QTYNUMBERTransaction quantity in terms of the item's secondary unit of measure. SECONDARY_UOM_CODEVARCHAR23The unit of measure code in which secondary transaction quantity is specified. TRANSFER_PRICE_QTYNUMBERIdentifies the transfer price quantity. ...