MTL_SUPPLY表的作用1、当请购单创建、审批后,MTL_SUPPLY的变化a.当创建完请购单,MTL_SUPPLY为空b.当审批后,MTL_SUPPLY中产生一条数据, 接收的交易记录存放在RCV_TRANSACTIONS,并不是mtl_material_transactions表中 此时分录产生在rcv_receiving_sub_ledger表中,这是一个在应计制下存储GL明细分录的表 也就是当...
Hi, 1. how and when does the material transactions populated when you make a 'DELIVER' transaction? 2. What is the API that receiving transaction processor use to populate mtl_material_transactions table? 3. can we correct the currency code(from USD to GBP) in MMT by any way? Thanks, l...
In case of OPM Organization, R12, there will not be any entry in rcv_receiving_subledger for PO receipt. Instead the same data is available in gmf_rcv_accounting_txns where the linking column to rcv_transactions is rcv_transaction_id. Deliver transaction details are available in mtl_material_...
from po.rcv_transactions rt where rt.po_header_id='24310'4.经比较 PO采用的汇率(0.066563)与接收时引用的汇率(14.7967)不等,而且是反过来的(CNY-->JPY是0.066563,JPY-->CNY是14.7967) 很明显是在接收过程中出现问题。 显然在入库的时候mtl_material_transactions.a.currency_conversion_rat...
RCV_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE stores information about receiving transactions that are waiting to be processed by the receiving transaction processor or were rejected due to an error when the transaction processor attempted to process the transaction. When
5.Create the Inventory Interface record i.e. insert a record intomtl_material_transactions_tempand call the inventory functioninltpu()which completes the delivery of the item into Inventory. (rvtii.lpc) 6.Receipt Accruals. Flow for Receiving Transaction Processor ...