PO_HEADER_ID is the unique system-generated primary key and is invisible to the user. SEGMENT1 is the system-assigned number you use to identify the document in forms and reports. Oracle Purchasing generates SEGMENT1 using the PO_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER_CONT_ALL table if you choose to let Oracle ...
Oracle Back to Back Process Flow >RequisitionImport B2B和Drop Shipment的区别两个流程很类似,都要创建PR和PO给供应商,主要区别在于谁来发货。 B2B是我们从供应商那拿货,然后收到货后,再运送给客户; Dropship表示销售是从我们这里发出,但是是由供应商直接给客户发货,我们分别和客户,供应商开应收,应付发票。(关于...