本文整理自《JAMA Surgery》期刊推出的“统计和方法学指南(Guide to Statistics and Methods)”系列的一篇文章,原文题目为“Practical Guide to Design Choice of Randomized Clinical Trials in Surgery”,重点介绍了几种随机对照试验(RCT)设计方法的优缺点。 原文链接 :https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamasurgery/a...
杂志新闻专题针对临床试验的可靠性发表了一篇文章,题目是"medicine is plagued by untrustworthy clinical trials. how many studies are faked or flawed?"【1】. 文章的副标题是:研究表明,在某些领域,可能至少有四分之一的临床试验存在...
Observationalstudy records should be updated and maintained in the same manner asinterventional study records.(https://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/manage-recs/how-register)。 再来看中国临床实验注册中心(Chinese Clinical Trial Registry,ChiCTR),注册指南中明确指出了临床实验注册包括但不限于RCT。 注册指南指...
这说明这个RCT研究面临了一个巨大挑战。 Shortcoming VS randomized clinical trials ·RCT是临床研究的金标准-通常速度较慢,效率低下,仅局限于回答方案中所提到的问题,且试验方案一旦确定后,一般不再做调整。 ·A large sample size ·Long study duration ·Lack of p...
微观上,PICOT框架可以把研究方案庖丁解牛,逐一落实研究细节,The devil is in the details. SEPTRE是SPIRIT官方发布的一个一站式工具,可以在线完成方案生成和注册(对接http://ClinicalTrials.gov平台) 两篇来自于NEJM的小文章对发表于该杂志上的临床研究统计方法做了分类和汇总,大部分研究仍然离不开经典的统计分析方...
in four clinical pharmacology journals.Proportion of RCTs that published a participant flow diagram and that reported on randomization and restriction methods, allocation concealment, blinding, intention-to-treat analysis, ethical considerations, adverse events and source of funding.Of 482 clinical trials...
对比整体情况,2006年-2014年,企业资助的研究占http://ClinicalTrials.gov上注册试验的35-49%。 参考文章: A comprehensive review of randomizedin three medical journals reveals 396 medical reversals. Elife. 2019 Jun 11;8. pii: e45183. 扫码关注“医咖会”公众号,及时获取最新重磅研究!
A comprehensive review of randomized clinical trials in three medical journals reveals 396 medical reversals. Elife. 2019 Jun 11;8. pii: e45183. 科研小技巧分享 和大家分享一个科研平台,可以免费获得1000元文献下载基金,如下图: 在医咖会微信公众号主页面回复“618”,告诉你获取途径。
Controlled Trial (RCT )is described as evidence of class I.So far ,RCT in primarily for health care contains explanatory clinical trials and prag-matic clinical trials.Thus ,this article aims to discuss deficiency and adaptability between explanatory and pragmatic clin-ical trials in many ...
临床试验注册:clinicaltrials.gov,标识符NCT05799911。 Sládečková B, Botek M, Krejčí J, Valenta M, McKune A, Neuls F, Klimešová I. Hydrogen-rich water supplementation promotes muscle recovery after two strenuous training sessions performed on the same day in elite fin swimmers: randomized...