This article was funded by Medical Research Council (G9901012 and G0000735) and the Eve Appeal Foundation. The funder had no involvement in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; and in the decision to submit the paper for publication. LF had ...
Dr. Gale is supported by the United Kingdom Medical Research Council through a Clinician Scientist Fellowship. Dr. Langan is supported by a Wellcome Senior Clinical Fellowship in Science (205039/Z/16/Z). Dr. Uher is supported by the Canada Research Chairs Program (Award #231397). The views...
Overall, the costs per QALY for IRR were far higher than € 30,000 per QALY (€ 275,000 per QALY) which the Dutch National Council for public health and health care assumes to be the threshold for cost-effectiveness of sustainable and meaningful care (2006) [38]. To test the ...
involving young Chinese individuals reported a large effect (SMD -1.10 [-1.45; -0.71], 8 RCTs) on loneliness [65]. One SR assessed the effect of multicomponent interventions (various combinations) among older adults [53]. In community settings, there was a small effect on social isolation (...
The UK Medical Research Council (MRC) has developed guidance to design and evaluate complex interventions [9]. A realist evaluation approach may enable complex interventions to address questions about what works, for whom and under what circumstances [11], and take into account that generation of ...