and increases risk-taking behaviors, any long-term benefit in reducing HIV transmission remains dubious. This article was first published by Thomson Reuters in the Journal of Law and Medicine and should be cited as Boyle GJ, Hill G. Sub-Saharan African randomised clinical trials into male circumc...
It involves randomly assigning participants into different groups, such as the treatment group and the control group. Randomization helps to ensure that the groups are comparable in terms of baseline characteristics, reducing the potential for confounding variables. Control group is another important ...
Music brings joy and consolation to humans which greatly enriches people’s lives. However, playing musical instruments is demanding and engages several sensory and motor systems and many high-level cognitive processes1,2,3. When playing a musical instrument, the musician needs to read the music s...
2,3 A considerable body of research (>1500 studies) has validated the UHR criteria, examined predictors and mechanisms of onset of psychotic disorder within this clinical population, and enabled trials of a range of treatments aimed at improving symptoms and functioning levels, and reducing the ...
bias effect on the groups’ performance and found no significant difference among groups, suggesting an absence of such bias (see Results section for details about this analysis). Participants were all non-musicians and were randomly assigned to three experimental conditions: a music training group ...
group-based psychoeducation is a first-line recommendation for the treatment of BD as an effective intervention as shown in 18 randomized controlled trials reducing illness recurrences, number and duration of hospitalizations, treatment adherence, therapeutic lithium levels, and reducing stigma [24, 25]...
RCTs included in the relevant CSRs were categorized by year and language of publication, country in which they were conducted, and risk of bias. The definition of high-income, middle-income and low-income country was accordance with the World Bank's country classification14. Mixed-effects, ...
To avoid bias, the threshold values were defined by the same person (L.K.). The pimonidazole hypoxic fraction and the relative vascular area were calculated as the percentage of the viable tumor area stained for pimonidazole or CD31, respectively. The pimonidazole hypoxic volume, as a surrogate...
can cause significant impairment in both children and adults, the manifestations observed in adults with ADHD may appear more severe and impairing due to the persistence of symptoms combined with the development of comorbidities, such as anxiety, mood disorders, and substance use disorders, which ...
The meta‐analytic findings as expected found interventions efficacious at reducing internalization post‐intervention (d?=??0.47, 95% CI [?0.60 to ?0.34], k?=?44), and at follow‐up (d?=??0.28, 95% CI [?0.39 to ?0.17], k?=?43), but also highly heterogenous (I2?=?52–67%)....