Choose revision (underRCS, CVS, SVN, GITorHG). One or two-roptions can be specified, and they result in different behaviour: latexdiff-vc-rfile.tex... comparesfile.texwith the most recently checked-in version checked. latexdiff-vc-rrev1file.tex... ...
Choose revision (underRCS, CVS, SVN, GITorHG). One or two-roptions can be specified, and they result in different behaviour: latexdiff-vc-rfile.tex... comparesfile.texwith the most recently checked-in version checked. latexdiff-vc-rrev1file.tex... ...
CVS示例:数字版本号,如-r,或更人性化的-r named-tag,带有特殊标签,如HEAD和BASE。-...
# command and - # cd SAMP; cvs import SAMP V_1_0 R_1_0 # After running this program do - # cd $HOME/foo/SAMP # cvs import foo/SAMP V1_0 Rev_1_0 ### hme=` echo $HOME | cut -f1 -d' ' ` if [ "$hme" = "" ]; then print " Error:...
latexdiff-vc is a wrapper script that applies latexdiff to a file, or multiple files under version control (git, subversion (SVN), mercurial (hg), CVS, RCS), and optionally runs the sequence of "latex" and "dvips" or "pdflatex" commands necessary to produce pdf or postscript output ...