MetalsNDAThe use of pulsed gamma neutron activation analysis (PGNAA) for the nondestructive assay of mercury, cadmium and lead in a concrete matrix has been demonstrated. Calculations have also been performed to study interference with PGNAA detection sensitivity resulting from the presence of 238U, ...
WillgenerateleachatecontainingWillgenerateleachatecontaining heavymetals,solventsorpesticidesheavymetals,solventsorpesticides LISTEDLISTED DefinedbyUSEPAashazardouswasteDefinedbyUSEPAashazardouswaste baseduponprocessgeneratingwasteorbaseduponprocessgeneratingwasteor accordingtochemicalsinvolvedaccordingtochemicalsinvolved Generator...
Available CARB emissions estimates for analytes that have exceeded NPDES permit limits at SSFL between October 1998 and November 2005 are summarized below in Table 1 for Los Angeles and Ventura Counties . The SSFL is located on the border of the South Central Coast Air Basin (including parts of...