and Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM). From beginner through advanced levels, he has more than seven works in the latest RCM syllabus. In 2024, The China News, one of the leading national medias, has broadcasted his interview.
Piano SYLLABUS/2015EDITION ©Copyright2015TheFrederickHarrisMusicCo.,Limited AllRightsReserved Piano SYLLABUS/2015EDITION P i a n o S Y L L A B U S / 2 0 1 5 E D I T I O N T h e R o y a l C o n s e r v a t o r y TeRoyalConservatoryo Musicisoneo thelargestand...
and Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM). From beginner through advanced levels, he has more than seven works in the latest RCM syllabus. In 2024, The China News, one of the leading national medias, has broadcasted his interview.