If you've never prepared any student for any piano exam before, you're probably not the right teacher for this student doing Level 8. Perhaps you should let him go to a teacher who is familiar with RCM or similar exams.Study the RCM syllabus - not just the technical tests and etudes ...
Piano SYLLABUS/2015EDITION ©Copyright2015TheFrederickHarrisMusicCo.,Limited AllRightsReserved Piano SYLLABUS/2015EDITION P i a n o S Y L L A B U S / 2 0 1 5 E D I T I O N T h e R o y a l C o n s e r v a t o r y TeRoyalConservatoryo Musicisoneo thelargestand...
LRCM piano syllabus.pdf Celebration_Series_Perspectives Index.pdf 这套书就是考级必备的,一般是买两本,一本厚的是Repertoire, 一本薄的是Studies/Etudes, 另外还有光盘。我还是比较建议买,因为一般一本书都要用1年左右,而且再加上参加比赛的话,总是可以用得上1年到1年半左右的,而且老师还会在上面圈点出孩子...
The Part 1 practical piano co-requisite for each level is: • Elementary level: Grade 9 Piano Certificate 这个级别的必须是通过9级的考试。就是说9级通过的可以教1,2级的学生。 • Intermediate level: Grade 10 Piano Certificate 10级通过的可以教3,4,5,6级别的学生。 • Advanced level: Teache...