Dear Sir Mam what I have to Pay RCM on building office Rent - GST
In a significant move to tighten GST compliance and prevent revenue leakage, the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) has issued Notification No. 09/2024-Central Tax (Rate), dated October 8, 2024. This notification mandates that the servi...
October 27, 2020Arpit KulshresthaGST India, Latest & Trending GST News 3 Minutes Read Delhi government has stated that the recent amendment in the Reverse Charge Mechanism to give motor vehicles on rent. On 30th June 2017 the governor of the National Capital Territory of Delhi, on the guidance...
Dear Sir Madam We charged freight charges on invoice and calculated GST on the same rate as applicable on goods But the same amount of freight paid to GTA Is GST to be paid on RCMalso Example Value of Goods 90000 Freight charges 10000 Taxable value 10000
At annual scale, the Authors found a total precipitation decrease (statistically significant) at a rate of 14.9 mm/decade. Future climate projections were based on seven RCMs developed in the European project ENSEMBLES [24] and on three RCMs of the CIRCE project [25], with resolution from ...