Study the RCM syllabus - not just the technical tests and etudes requirements but also all the other stuff required: sight-reading, aural skills etc, and ask yourself whether you're equipped for it, and know how to teach them. Most teachers who don't teach students doing piano exams - ...
also doing some Galamian scales( so some 5th position) Wolfhart op 54. No pieces. Some vibrato (not so good!) My teacher is new to the world of teaching, and asked me to find out the syllabus for the RCM, so we could see Preparatory A Preparatory B Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 有些老师建议到8级才参加考试,因为只有8级证书才有用,前面的等级证书没有用。
Studies/Etudes: two studies/etudes from the Syllabus list 6+6 Technical Tests 12 Ear Tests Intervals Chords Cadences Playback 10 (7)* 2 2 3 3 Sight Reading Playing Clapping 10 (7)* 5 5 Total possible points (pass=60) – also see note below 100 *Grade 10 candidates who intend...