照着这个教程还有网上一些教程作为参考开整 不会写程序,放弃了ssh的配置方法,用威联通docker的傻瓜方式运行, Compose yml 配置如下 version: '3' services: rclone-aliyun: image: mumiehub/rclone-mount container_name: rclone-aliyun restart: always cap_add: - SYS_...
docker volume create vol2 -d rclone -oremote=:storj,access_grant=xxx:heimdall docker volume create vol3 -d rclone -otype=storj -opath=heimdall -o storj-access-grant=xxx -o poll-interval=0 使用Docker Swarm 或Docker Compose volumes:volume_name_1:driver:rclonedriver_opts:remote:'oodrive:'allo...
首先需要安装docker。安装docker 使用docker-compose一键启动webdav[root@iZwz9hmxhr8nh716gmser4Z webdav]# cat docker-compose.yml version: "3.0" services: webdav-aliyundriver: image: zx5253/webdav-aliyundriver container_name: aliyundriver environment: - TZ=Asia/Shanghai - ALIYUNDRIVE_REFRESH_TOKEN...
Revert "mount2,cmount: skip unreliable tests rclone#4171" Jun 30, 2020 contrib/docker Contrib: Add sample WebDAV server Docker Compose manifest. Sep 15, 2019 docs Add Tim Burke to contributors Jun 25, 2020 fs accounting: add HasBuffer method to Account Jun 30, 2020 fstest fstest: add abil...
然后使用 docker compose up -d 启动 访问在 docker-compose.yml 中定义的服务器url即可 上传图片的话,可以使用 photosync(官方推荐) 或者使用 syncthing,或者直接使用 onedrive 的同步功能 photosync是通过webdav功能来同步,photoprism只有当使用webdav同步时才会触发索引,所以syncthing或onedrive的同步都没法自动索引 ...
contrib/docker Contrib: Add sample WebDAV server Docker Compose manifest. September 15, 2019 16:06 docs Start v1.50.1-DEV development November 2, 2019 15:26 fs Start v1.50.1-DEV development November 2, 2019 15:26 fstest chunker: fix integration tests and hashsum issues October 13...
``docker compose build`在复制后找不到文件或目录 、、、 /rclone/ /data/rclone/Step 11/16 : COPY ./rclone.conf /root/.config/rclone/rclone.confStep 12/16 : RUN chmod +x ./rclone/ 浏览33提问于2021-01-29得票数0 回答已采纳 ...
``docker compose build`在复制后找不到文件或目录 、、、 docker-compose build --no-cache失败,并显示以下错误: ---> Running in f62172d2e9f9 ---> 61e3b9107870 Step 12/16 : RUN chmod +x ./rclone/insta 浏览33提问于2021-01-29得票数0 ...
使用rclone可以方便地将本地文件或者云存储中的文件同步到其他云存储或本地磁盘,同时还可以进行加密、压缩、筛选等操作,非常适合需要管理多个存储服务的用户。 rclone挂载阿里云盘,其他网盘都可以,官方文档 一、官方有提供脚本安装🪁 curl|sudo bash ...
But, what can you do with this? It's a method to mount S3 file systems without installings3fson your computer. Beyond that? The README suggests that the S3 volume can be shared with other Docker containers. This attempt was made: