while(true) {rclcpp::spin_some(...); } Then they wouldn't get stuck in a loop due the mistake (imo) of not checkingrclcpp::ok(). I think this fail fast approach will result in the fewest unexplained hangs for users. However, that means to avoid tracebacks and crashes they need ...
I believe spin_some behaves contrary to how most people would assume. I believe most people assume that if there are three things to do when you call spin_some() only three things will be done then it would return. Even if new work items come up during that execution. However, right ...
将: if(rclcpp::spin_until_future_complete(node,result)== rclcpp::executor::FutureReturnCode::SUCCESS) 1. 2. 修改为: if(rclcpp::spin_until_future_complete(node,result)== rclcpp::FutureReturnCode::SUCCESS) 1. 2. 然后就一切ok啦。 全部记录: ros@ros:~/RobCode/mobot$ colconbuild Starting ...
rclcpp::FutureReturnCode::SUCCESS 那么针对如下出错信息: 修改对应源代码: /home/ros/RobCode/mobot/src/mobot/src/send_client.cpp:38:13: 将: 代码语言:javascript 复制 if(rclcpp::spin_until_future_complete(node,result)==rclcpp::executor::FutureReturnCode::SUCCESS) 修改为: 代码语言:javascript 复制 ...
rclcpp::spin(node); rclcpp::shutdown(); return 0; } Make sure to provide the type for each parameter (or a default value, see more later). For the type, just start with “rclcpp::PARAMETER_” and you should see all available types using auto-completion.If...
{this->declare_parameter("my_str");this->declare_parameter("my_int");this->declare_parameter("my_double_array");}private:};// Code below is just to start the nodeintmain(intargc,char**argv){rclcpp::init(argc,argv);autonode=std::make_shared<TestParams>();rclcpp::spin(node);rclcpp:...
{ rclcpp::init(argc, argv); auto node = std::make_shared<TestParamsCallback>(); rclcpp::spin(node); rclcpp::shutdown(); return 0; }Here are the 3 parameters we use:motor_device_port (string) control_loop_frequency (int) simulation_mode (bool)Each of the param gets a default value...
If we let a few messages (~10-20) queue before processing them, spin _some never exits. Discourse thread: http://discourse.ros.org/t/fastrtps-throughput-issues/625/8 Reproduceable example: ros2/examples@1278fb5 I didn't have time to inve...
create_subscription<MsgT>(topic, [&](const MsgT::SharedPtr msg){my_msg = msg;}, QoS, callback_group); while (node->now() - start < timeout_dur) { rclcpp::spin_some(node); if (my_msg) { sub.reset(); return my_msg; } } sub.reset(); throw std::runtime_error("Some ...