Testing: 1. Test button Press the TEST button and ensure that the RCD does trip. I the RCD does not trip, do not keep pressing the TEST button as this may damage the test circuit. 2. RCD tester Per orm a tripping test using an appropriate RCD tester to validate the correct trip curr...
Char-grilled Australian Fillet Steak with Truffle Sauce (主料:进口澳洲DS牛柳、进口法国新鲜牛肝菌及法国5A级黑松露) 奥斯陆炙烤海虹伴三文鱼海鲜汁198元/份 (新鲜的奥斯陆深海海虹配地道的挪威三文鱼,经过炭火烤制,保持原有鲜嫩多汁的口感,同时配上秘制海鲜汁,味道鲜美,质感独特)Norwegian Salmon with Seafood Sauce...