左图:By Gwan-Bon Koo/ Ph. D,Application Note AN-4147 Design Guidelines for RCD Snubber of Flyback Converters,有修改。右图:Maxim,Application Note 848,Snubber Circuits Suppress Voltage TransientSpikes in Multiple Output DC-DC FlybackConverter Power Supplies 联立以上三个关系式,可以得钳位电阻Rsn: 拱...
Application Note AN-4147Design Guidelines for RCD Snubber of Flyback Converterswww.fairchildsemi.com© 2006 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporationwww.fairchildsemi.comRev. 1 .1 .0 AbstractThis article presents some design guidelines for the RCDsnubber of flyback converters. When the MOSFET turns off,a...
This article presents some design guidelines for the RCD snubber of flyback converters. When the MOSFET turns off,a high-voltage spike occurs on the drain pin because of a res-onance between the leakage inductor (L lk ) of the main trans-former and the output capacitor (C OSS ) of the...
isdetermined,thepowerdissipatedinthesnubbercircuitat theminimuminputvoltageandfull-loadconditionis obtainedby: wheref s istheswitchingfrequencyoftheflybackconverter. V sn shouldbe2~2.5timesofnV o .VerysmallV sn resultsina severelossinthesnubbercircuit,asshownintheabove equation. (1) snsno lk1 diVnV ...
Flyback电路中RCD钳位电路设计归纳.pdf,Application Note AN-4147 Design Guidelines for RCD Snubber of Flyback Converters Abstract is derived from a buck-boost converter by replacing filter inductors with coupled inductors, such as gapped core trans- This ar
RCD电路的计算.pdf,Application Note AN-4147 Design Guidelines for RCD Snubber of Flyback Converters Abstract is derived from a buck-boost converter by replacing filter inductors with coupled inductors, such as gapped core trans- This article presents some
Application Note AN-4147 Design Guidelines for RCD Snubber of Flyback Converters立即下载 举报资源相关资源64KB Data Flash Application Notes OV7960 software application note1.00 OVT 12.OV7670 software application note-硬件资料 OV7670 software application note.我从网上收集或下载 CC3200 Bootloader+OTA_...
rcdsnubberflybackvoltage电路mosfet ApplicationNoteAN-4147 DesignGuidelinesforRCDSnubberofFlybackConverters .fairchildsemi ©2006FairchildSemiconductorCorporation.fairchildsemi Rev.1.1.0 Abstract ThisarticlepresentssomedesignguidelinesfortheRCD snubberofflybackconverters.WhentheMOSFETturnsoff, ahigh-voltagespikeoccurs...
adlsong ForwardConverter ForwardConverter GateQ1 VDSQ1 IDSQ1 ImReset 1开关管导通 LdiL/dt=Vin–Vo I=(Vin–Vo)ton/L 2开关管关断 LdiL/dt=–Vo I=–Votoff/L I:输出电感伏秒平衡. 输出电压:Vo= Vin 1Conventionalclamp&resettechnical–Magnetizing currentresetbyanextrawindingthatinparallelwith Pri-...
左图:By Gwan-Bon Koo/ Ph. D,Application Note AN-4147 Design Guidelines for RCD Snubber of Flyback Converters,有修改。右图:Maxim,Application Note 848,Snubber Circuits Suppress Voltage TransientSpikes in Multiple Output DC-DC FlybackConverter Power Supplies ...