法国afcen核岛设备设计建造规则协会机构最新发布了2007版rccm压水堆核岛机械设备设计和建造规则和rccmr液态金属快中子增殖堆核岛机械设备设计和建造规则两套法规标准 核工业标准化研究所引进2007版RCC-M(英法文)和RCC-MR(英文) 核工业标准化研究所引进2007版RCC-M(英法文)和 RCC-MR(英文) 作者机构:无 来源:核标准...
分析了RCC-MR2007对中国承担采购包设计和制造任务的影响。最后结合 当前需求提出了RCC-MR2007在国内的应用建议。 关键词 RCC-MR2007;ITER计划;标准;应用 《核装置机械部件设计和建造规则》 (RCC-MR)是法国核岛设备设计和建造规则 协会(AFCEN)编制和出版的技术规范,规 定了高温条件下使用部件的设计、材料、制 造...
Design and construction rules for mechanical components of nuclear installations(RCC-MR 2007) code are prescribed for design and manufacture of components or parts that form plasma chamber first confinement barrier and some system related components in ITER Project. On the base of contents of RCC-MR...
1、Rathke囊肿Rathke裂囊肿,Rathke cleft cyst,RCC RCC是一种起源于Rathke 囊的良性上皮性囊肿。 胚胎发育第34周丛原始口腔前端向外凸起,称Rathke囊。 Rathke囊在胚胎发育12周时闭合,但在腺垂体和神经垂体间常残留一裂隙,出生后持续存在,称Rathke裂。 少数情况下, Rathke裂可形成一小囊,即Rathke裂囊肿。RCCRCC影像...
The tube sheet design rules recommended in the French design code RCC-MR-2007 and the associated solid mechanics basis are explained. A finite element analysis of tube sheets of intermediate heat exchanger of a typical 500MWe pool type fast reactor is presented to study the effects of some ...
The effect of the presence of ice-cover on the various reflection and transmission coefficients due to incident waves at the ice-cover and the interface is depicted graphically in a number of figures. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.ijpvp.2007.07.002R.A. Ainsworth...
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Marie S, Chapuliot S, Kayser Y, Lacire MH, Drubay B, Barthelet B, et al. French RSE-M and RCC-MR code appendices for flaw analysis: presentation of the fracture parameters calculation e part V: elements of validation. Int J Press Vessels Piping 2007;84(10e11):687e96....
S. Marie et al., French RSE-M and RCC-MR code appendices for flaw analysis: Presentation of the fracture parameters calculation - Part IV: Cracked elbows, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 84 (2007) 659-686Marie, S., Chapuliot, S., Kayser, Y., Lacire, M.H., Dr...