1,要想做电源,首先你就得会RCC,只有RCC才能让你知道每一个器件的作用 2,要想做RCC,不能只会...
In accordance with ENCODE consortium guidelines (https://www.encodeproject.org/documents/cede0cbe-d324-4ce7-ace4f0c3eddf5972/@@download/attachment/ENCODE%20Best%20Practices%20for%20RNA_v2.pdf), all RNA-seq experiments were performed in triplicate. Capture-C Experiments were performed as ...
324 Electrical measuring instruments Compensating cables for thermocouples Composition nature of materials manufacturing tests 1993 12 NF C51 111 NF EN 60034 1 Machines lectriques tournantes Partie 1 Caract ristiques assign es et caract ristiques de fonctionnement Rotating electrical machines Part 1 Rating ...
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Cancer Res 2014; 74: 3238–3247. 14 Bruun J, Kolberg M, Ahlquist TC, Royrvik E, Nome T, Leithe E et al. Regulator of chromosome condensation 2 identifies high-risk patients within both major phenotypes of colorectal cancer. Clin Cancer Res 2015; 21: 3759–3770. 15 Kim NG, Rhee H...
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doi:10.1200/JCO.2017.73.5324 5. Gross-Goupil M, Kwon TG, Eto M, et al. Axitinib versus placebo as an adjuvant treatment of renal cell carcinoma: results from the phase III, randomized ATLAS trial. Ann Oncol. 2018;29(12):2371-2378. doi:10.1093/annonc/mdy454 6. Ryan CW, Tan...