python class RC4: def __init__(self, key): self.key = key self.S = list(range(256)) self.key_scheduling_algorithm() self.i = 0 self.j = 0 def key_scheduling_algorithm(self): j = 0 for i in range(256): j = (j + self.S[i] + ord(self.key[i % len(self.key)])) ...
RC4算法的解密过程和加密过程类似,只需将密钥流与密文进行异或操作即可。 二、RC4加密算法Python实现 下面是一个使用Python实现RC4算法的例程: def KSA(key): """ Key-Scheduling Algorithm (KSA) """ S = list(range(256)) j = 0 for i in range(256): j = (j + S[i] + key[i % len(key)]...
classRC4:def__init__(self,key:bytes):"""初始化 RC4 类:param key: 密钥,字节类型"""self.key=keyself.s=list(range(256))# 初始化 S 数组self._ksa()# 执行密钥调度算法def_ksa(self):"""密钥调度算法 (Key Scheduling Algorithm, KSA)"""j=0key_length=len(self.key)foriinrange(256):j=...
代码非常简单和清晰,但它在和异常是:未报告的异常;必须被捕获或声明为抛出import java.securityString strDecryptedText = new String(); t 浏览1提问于2012-03-28得票数 2 1回答 Python实现错误‘RC4’对象不支持项分配 、、 尽管我被要求使用它来实现RC4算法,但我的Python...
# RC4 python实现代码 # 仅支持128位ASCII码字符文本加解密,要支持任意输入需要更换编码方式 # 秋风木叶 2019-3-27 from FrankTools import ItoB, XOR, StoB, BtoS, swap def KeyGenerator(K, n): # RSA(The Key-Scheduling Algorithm) # 秘钥调度算法 ...
六、RC4算法的Python示例 defrc4(key,data):S=list(range(256))j=0out=[]# Key-scheduling algorithmforiinrange(256):j=(j+S[i]+key[i%len(key)])%256S[i],S[j]=S[j],S[i]# Pseudo-random generation algorithmi=j=0forcharindata:i=(i+1)%256j=(j+S[i])%256S[i],S[j]=S[j],...
python实现rc4加密解密,base64输出 from CryptoCipherencdata'utf8'data=base64data)key=byteskey1encoding=),'utf8')returnresif__name__=="__main__":datakey(,data,key))res=print(rc4_algorithm(,res,key))...
# Python3 program for the above approach # of RC4 algorithm # Function for encryption def encryption(): global key, plain_text, n # Given text and key plain_text = "001010010010" key = "101001000001" # n is the no: of bits to # be considered at a time n = 3 print("Plain text...
六、RC4算法的Python示例 Python Python defrc4(key,data):S=list(range(256))j=0out=[]# Key-scheduling algorithmforiinrange(256):j=(j+S[i]+key[i%len(key)])%256S[i],S[j]=S[j],S[i]# Pseudo-random generation algorithmi=j=0forcharindata:i=(i+1)%256j=(j+S[i])%256S[i],S...
from Crypto.Cipher import ARC4 as rc4cipher import base64 def rc4_algorithm(encrypt_or_decrypt,...