特徴 Core: Arm®32-bit Cortex®-M3 CPU (120 MHz max) with Adaptive real-time accelerator (ART Accelerator™) allowing 0-wait state execution performance from Flash memory, MPU, 150 DMIPS/1.25 DMIPS/MHz (Dhrystone 2.1) メモリ
メモリ 256 Kbytes of Flash memory with ECC 32 Kbytes of RAM 8 Kbytes of true EEPROM with ECC 128-byte backup register LCD Driver (except STM32L151xC devices) up to 8x40 segments, contrast adjustment, blinking mode, step-up converter ...
京都・二条の路地裏に隠れた名コーヒー店 クルーズのラグジュアリー度は? &の記事クイズ 佐々木彩夏さん「ももクロでは見られない光景」 JA浪江への思い いしわたり淳治「名前ない何かを見つける」 夫が突然旅立って1年…手作りのパン屋さんを今日も 姫路の青空によみがえる青春銭湯 ...
特徴 Core: ARM® 32-bit Cortex®-M3 CPU 72 MHz maximum frequency, 1.25 DMIPS/MHz (Dhrystone 2.1) performance at 0 wait state memory access Single-cycle multiplication and hardware division メモリ 256 to 512 Kbytes of Flash memory
メモリ 256 Kbytes of Flash memory with ECC 32 Kbytes of RAM 8 Kbytes of true EEPROM with ECC 128-byte backup register LCD driver (except STM32L151xC/C-A devices) up to 8x40 segments, contrast adjustment, blinking mode, step-up converter ...