The real question in the end is does the propulsion system generate enough thrust to counter act the drag for a given flight speed? Thrust is velocity spread over the area of the prop; changing the diameter influence this a lot more than pitch speed. Larger diameter props make more thrust,...
Note: The thrust line is conventionally measured in degrees right from the center line and degrees down from center line. The right thrust offset is to counter the torques being generated on the vertical stabilizer from the propwash, commonly known as P-Factor. Down thrust is include to reduce...
We can now add these known figures into Thrust Calculator. By the fact that you can verify thrust it becomes possible, to estimate the general power of the airplane in advance. This will give you more knowledge about your plane and the power characteristics to make your first flight less ...
You will notice that the calculator does not require any input of the airfoil type, high point location or anything similar...because it makes no difference. BTW.. is your prop on backwards by any chance?.. hard to be sure from the photos but it looks like it cou...
Are you using the 8x6 prop that was supplied or a different prop? That's a classic case of overheating ESC going into thermal protection mode, which either means you are exceeding the 30A rating or the rating is false. But, just throwing that information into a power calculator, a 3S ba...
Static Thrust calculator - select prop etc - Barry Hobson's Download Zip File Trim Chart for flying RC aircraft UIUC Airfoil Data Site Wing Loading Charts for R_C Aircraft with much more under "Calculators, Conversion, Center of Gravity, Electric Flight , MAC & Servo Torque calculation ...
Another option is going with the Rimfire 28-30-1450 outrunner with a 7x5 prop. The motor calc that I was using seems to estimate about 28 oz thrust with around 80 mph speed drawing up to 21 amps at full throttle. But again - this is coming from a motor calculator so I'm n...
In Powercalc, I've implemented calculation of (a) static prop thrust, (b) average prop thrust over the entire speed range from 0 mph up to the pitch speed, and (c) prop thrust at the actual pitch speed itself. I think (b) in particular will be very handy for estimating real...