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"RC Cars" 是遙控車的英文簡稱,"RC"簡稱有兩種說法,Radio Controlled Cars 或 Remote Controlled Cars。 遙控車是遙控模型的一種,是以無線電操控的方式控制的模型車。遙控車通過發射器發出的控制信號,由裝在車上的接收器接收。接收器根據接收到的射頻信號控制車速、改變車輪的轉動方向以及馬達或引擎的運轉。 玩具級...
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EuroRC is a Finnish hobby shop. We are 100% focused on selling RC cars and we also have a large range of tools and accessories. We are serving customers in all segments.
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RcBazaar is India’s largest and coolest hobby super store dedicated to Radio Control helicopters, aeroplanes, jets, gliders, balsa kits, spares and accessories. Here you can choose from a wide variety of brushless motors, lipos, transmitters and also Do
Electronics: If you receive an item that is damaged or defective, please contact Customer Service immediately by email. In some cases you may return the item back to the manufacturer directly. Every manufacturer's policy is different; in some situations, the manufacturer or supplier may prefer to...