The end of alchemy: Money banking and the future of the global economy. London: Little Brown. Google Scholar Knight, J., & Dunkley, J. (2014, February 27). RBS sells Direct Line stake on eve of revealing losses. The Independent. Available at:
Find the latest Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc, RBS stock market data. Get a full understanding of how Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc is performing with stock quotes and prices, as well as real-time new
or perhaps a IT misses an internal deadline. Such was not the case with this week's IT failure at the UK-based Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), which, incidentally, has abalance sheetthe size of the UK economy.
Byline: JONATHAN PRYNN, ELLEN WIDDUP SIR TOM MCKILLOP Title: Chairman Age: 65 Pay last year: ?750,000 Board meetings attended: 9 out of 9 Eye on the ball rating: 2 Career background: Pharmaceuticals with little banking experience. Under fire for utterly failing to rein in his gung-ho...