■到http://www.netgear.com,点“SUPPORT”,搜索或选择,找到并确定rbk75x或rbk85x具体型号,点击“Downloads,在Firmware andSoftware Downloads”目录中,点击“+View PreviousVersions”(历史版本)。(如用微软Edge浏览器,可以把所有页面翻译或中文)■找到你需要的版本,把路由(RBR)、分机(RBS)的固件都下载,分别解压...
Find support for your Orbi RBK852 wifi system including setup guides, troubleshooting articles, the latest firmware updates and much more. Visit our NETGEAR Support site today.
Der Router läuft im AP Modus und hat die aktuellste Firmware installiert. Es ist noch ein Satelit installiert, aber die MagentaTV Box ist mit dem Router verbunden.Was kann ich da mache, oder ist das Orbi System hier einfach die falsche Löung?
1、下载固件RBR Firmware (此链接和固件由netgear客服提供,100%安全。如果你不相信,可以离开)2、解压或直接拉出RBR850-V4.6.5.14_2.0.54T4-signed-11041358.chk文件并记住解压路径3、登录你的路由器: https://orbilogin.com/4、高级->管理->固件更新,Manual Update(手动更新)->浏览(找到并选择先前...
Find support for your Orbi RBK852 wifi system including setup guides, troubleshooting articles, the latest firmware updates and much more. Visit our NETGEAR Support site today.
Find support for your Orbi RBK852 wifi system including setup guides, troubleshooting articles, the latest firmware updates and much more. Visit our NETGEAR Support site today.
Find support for your Orbi RBK852 wifi system including setup guides, troubleshooting articles, the latest firmware updates and much more. Visit our NETGEAR Support site today.
Find support for your Orbi RBK852 wifi system including setup guides, troubleshooting articles, the latest firmware updates and much more. Visit our NETGEAR Support site today.