MonetaryPolicyReport OCTOBER2023 ReserveBankofIndia Mumbai Contents ChapterI:MacroeconomicOutlook1 I.1:KeyDevelopmentssincetheApril2023MPR1 I.2:TheOutlookforInflation4 I.3:TheOutlookforGrowth8 I.4:BalanceofRisks10 I.5:Conclusion14 BoxI.1:MonetaryPolicyReportsasaCommunicationTool:TextualAnalysis7 BoxI.2...
2023-06-25 08:05:00 · RBI Today, the Reserve Bank released the June 2023 issue of its monthly Bulletin. The Bulletin includes Monetary Policy Statement June 8, 2023, seven speeches, five articles and current statistics. The five articles are: I. State of the Economy; II. Weather Events...
RBIBulletinNovember2023 1 EmergingIndia:ALandofStabilityandOpportunities OurApproach Toprotecttheeconomyfromtherelentless shocksintherecentperiod,ourendeavourhasbeen toremainproactive,pragmaticandprudentinour policyresponse.Wewereconsciousofthefactthat anoverdoseofmonetarymedicine,whilerelieving thepainintheshortrun,co...
to regulate the issue of bank notes and keeping of reserves with a view to securing monetary stability in india and generally to operate the currency and credit system of the country to its advantage; to have a modern monetary policy framework to meet the challenge of an increasingly complex ...
The MPC met on April 3, 5 and 6 this year and decided to pause on the repo rate at 6.50 per cent. In his remarks at the MPC meeting, Das said the cumulative impact of monetary policy actions over the last one year is still unfolding and needs to be monitored closely. ...
5. Banks have kept savings deposit rates unchanged in the current tightening period as per RBI’s Monetary Policy report for April. However, banks have increased term deposit rates during this period. As per the report, increase in term deposit rates in the current tightening cycle has been mo...
The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) met on 4th, 5th and 6th October 2023. RBI has maintained the repo rate steady at 6.5%. It is the fourth time that RBI has kept the repo rate unchanged. The MPC last raised this rate from 6.25% to 6.50% at its meeting in February 2023. ...
The overall tone of the bi-monthly monetary policy remained tilted towards the inflation fight. In the October MPC decision, Das said that CPI inflation forecast for 2023-24 left unchanged at 5.4 per cent. He also mentioned that throughout the third quarter, food inflation pressure may not see...
For one, the central bank is grappling with a "potential spillover impact of stubbornly high food prices on broader inflation, but no direct control through monetary policy," the chief India economist at TS Lombard said. Another growing worry is India's "weaker than expected growth momentum,"...
, RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das took the right call by recalibrating the monetary policy with effective transmission to financial markets, particularly in the context of the globally synchronised slowdown to less than 3% this year, withIndiaand China accounting for half of the global growth in 2023...