Reserve Bank of India released the notification for the recruitment of RBI Grade B Officer-DR (Direct Recruitment). In the 2018 session of recruitment, a total of 166 vacancies are reported. The Preliminary examination for RBI Grade B Officer recruitment will be conducted on 16thAugust 2018. The...
Reserve Bank of India has released the recruitment notification for the post of RBI Grade B officer (DR- Direct Recruitment) for the 2018 session. This time about 127 vacancies are notified for the Grade B Officer (General) post. Eligibility Criteria for Grade B Officer Indian Citizens who att...
This will be applicable for those Universities also where Class/Grade is decided on the basis of Honors marks only. The fraction of percentage so arrived will be ignored i.e. 49.99% will be treated as less than 50%.(c) Scheme of Selection:I. Preliminary Examination (Multiple Choice):...