How was national monetary policy managed before central banks came into existence? How can the monetary policy be made more effective in India rather than traditional techniques of credit policy? a) What is the current Federal Funds Rate? b) How does the Fed implement monetary policy to manage...
Chaitanya also emphasised the absence of cultural nuances in the available data, such as references to movies or local landmarks. “Some Pushpa [movie] came. Now nobody’s going to write it in government stuff, but people are going to talk about it, and that is lost,” he said. Kaustu...
“We have seen how some of the Congress leaders used to treat technology. They used to feel that technology cannot be used by poor people. But in our case, we have got the technology right into the hands of the poorest of the poor, and same is the case with the India AI mission. S...
Well, RBI had pulled the plug on cryptocurrency back in 2018 through a blanket ban. Though this action was reversed in March 2020, the Indian crypto space still walks on eggshells around RBI, fearing that tight regulations could come knocking on the door at any moment. But then came along ...
How was national monetary policy managed before central banks came into existence? How quantitative easing help the economy out of a liquidity trap? How does a commercial bank increase the money supply? How does quantitative easing relate to functions of the Federal Reserve?