Under the “Clean Note Policy”, the Reserve Bank of India has decided to withdraw 2,000 Rupees denomination banknotes from circulation. In a statement issued on 19 May, RBI has clarified that Rs 2,000 notes will continue to be a legal tender after 30 September. Public can deposit these n...
Any company including a non-deposit taking company intending to engage in this activity shall require a Certificate of Registration, apart from specific permission to enter into this business, the pre-requisite for which is a minimum net owned fund of ₹100 crore and subject...
(2) Fixed Deposit of Mr. X for Rs. 2, 00,000 paid by transfer to Current Account Ledger No. 1 was not debited to the account in Fixed Deposit Ledger. (3) Rs. 20,000 received from a Savings Account holder was credited to the Customers’ Account in Fixed Deposit Ledger. (4) A su...