However that version seems to be causing the "ruby: command not found" error. rbenv says that on your system, versions other than that have the ruby command. So you should check ~/.rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p0/bin to see whether the ruby executable is indeed there. And about your system in...
确认Ruby 和 CocoaPods 的安装情况: 确保你已经通过 rbenv 安装了一个 Ruby 版本,并且该版本支持 CocoaPods。你可以通过以下命令来查看已安装的 Ruby 版本: bash rbenv versions 选择一个适合你的 Ruby 版本,并通过 rbenv global 命令设置为全局版本: bash rbenv global <version> 然后,使用 gem 命令...
安装Ruby 2.6.6:如果Ruby 2.6.6在可用版本列表中,可以使用以下命令安装它:rbenv install 2.6.6。这将下载并安装Ruby 2.6.6版本。 设置全局Ruby版本:安装完成后,可以使用以下命令将Ruby 2.6.6设置为全局默认版本:rbenv global 2.6.6。这将使得系统默认使用Ruby 2.6.6。 检查Ruby版本:运行ruby -v命令,确认Ru...
: rbenv install 2.3.0 : export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.rbenv/bin : whereis ruby => ruby: ~/.rbenv/shims/ruby : which ruby => ~/.rbenv/shims/ruby : ruby -v => rbenv: ruby: command not found The `ruby' command exists in these Ruby versions: 2.3.0 jruby- : gem install bund...
rbenv的使用: 报错 rbenv: rails: command not found The `rails' command exists in these Ruby versions: 2.4.1 原因: rbenv更新ruby后新版本的ruby的bundle没安装 解决办法: gem install bundler bundle install...
rbenv是一个用于管理Ruby版本的工具。它允许开发人员在同一台机器上安装和切换不同的Ruby版本,以便适应不同的项目需求。 当rbenv设置错误的Ruby版本时,可能会导致以下问题: 1. 应...
bash: line 114: : command not found () Counting installed Ruby versions: none There aren't any Ruby versions installed under `/home/centos/.rbenv/versions'. You can install Ruby versions like so: rbenv install 2.2.4 Checking RubyGems settings: OK ...
I have an error after installing ruby 2.2.4 like that : rbenv install -v 2.2.4 rbenv global 2.2.4 Everything went Ok while compiling and installing but $ ruby -v bash: ruby : command not found If I run source ~/.bashrc or source ~/.bash_profile everything is working fine … What...
sudo: add-apt-repository: command not found 找到解法了 sudo apt install software-properties-common 搞定 继续 安装最新的Ruby 3.0.1一直卡住...啥都不显示 卡着卡着服务器就罢工了 我傻等了两次就找解法去了 然后看到一个 ...
rbenv 是个健壮的工具,遵循 UNIX 标准来实现 Ruby 每个项目版本和相关运行时环境的管理。 rbenv 1.0 相比 0.4.0 版本,改进内容如下: 速度 Speed up rbenvwith dynamically loadedrealpathC extension Speed uprbenv rehashwhen there aremany Ruby versionswith similar sets of executables ...