Plus, you can get $300 cash when you open your first RBC Direct Investing account(s)2 and invest $15,000 or more.* BONUS: Get 50 commission-free trades to use within a year – no minimum investment required.* Offer ends March 3, 2025. Conditions apply.* Open an Account It’s Tim...
Find everything you need to feel equipped and confident to trade and invest online at RBC Direct Investing.
You can also get $300 cash and 50 commission-free trades when you open your first RBC Direct Investing account.*Learn More*Offer extended to March 31, 2025. Conditions apply. NEW FEATURE NEW: Access Global Investment Opportunities You can now trade and invest in 18 domestic and global markets...
Learn about RBC Direct Investing, an online service, where you can manage your investments using a set of online tools and resources.
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Direct Investing Search RBC ... Contact Us (EN) Open An Account Sign In It’s Time To Trade Up.™ Trade and invest on the platform that gives you more. Open an Account NEW FEATURE NEW: Access Global Investment Opportunities You can now trade and invest in 18 domestic and global market...