Chequing Account Selector Compare Accounts View a side-by-side comparison of our chequing and savings accounts. Compare Chequing Accounts Compare Savings Accounts Explore all Accounts Get a snapshot of the chequing and savings accounts that are available at RBC Royal Bank, and easily access detailed...
Just like virtually every other Canadian financial institution, you’ll need to provide the recipient’s basic personal identification info (name, address, bank, etc.) and the amount you want sent out. You’ll also need to open up either a chequing or savings account with RBC first. ...
Most options traders are substantially more active in their account than everyday ETF index investors, so these fees really add up in comparison to low-cost discount brokerages. RBC Direct Investing Bond Trading Fees When it comes to purchasing bonds, it’s not surprising thatRBC Direct Investing...
In the update released on Tuesday, theRBC Mobileapp's Siri integration allows the account holder to start a transaction by triggering the digital assistant and asking to pay, such as "Hey Siri, send Pat $20." A follow-up screen confirms the person on the payee list the user want...