GIC种类选择 🐒 GIC有好几种类型,其中收益最高的是不可赎回的一年期(non-redeemable 1 year term)。如果你有一笔短期内用不到的钱,可以考虑存这个。 办理流程 🙊 如果你是RBC的用户,只需要打个电话到1-800-668-3663就行了。这个电话还提供中文和粤语服务,挺方便的。你只需要告诉客服你想办理GIC业务,还...
3.25%1on an5 yearterm Non-Redeemable GIC Posted rate 2.90 % Buy Now The following non-registered GIC rates are current for10 March 2025.View GIC Rates for registered investments. Guaranteed-Return GICs With Guaranteed-Return GICs, your interest rate is guaranteed, so you don't need to worry...
RBC Non-Redeemable GIC 1 year 2.25% RBC Cashable GIC - Special Offer 1 year 2.00% RBC One-Year Cashable GIC 1.5 years 2.75% RBC Non-Redeemable GIC 2 years 3.00%, up to 12.50% RBC Canadian Banking MarketSmart GIC 2 years 2.00%, up to 12.50% RBC North American MarketSmart GIC 2 yea...
2.25%*on a 1 year term Cashable GIC Posted rate2.00%Buy Now 3.00%*on a 1 year term Non-Redeemable GIC Posted rate2.70%Buy Now Limited time offer 3.05%*on a 2 year term Non-Redeemable GIC Posted rate2.80%Buy Now 3.25%*on an 5 year term ...
Important details Your HSBC Bank Canada Non-Redeemable GIC (CAD), Non-Redeemable Compound GIC (CAD) or HSBC Non-Redeemable Term Deposit (CAD) product will move to RBC Non-Redeemable GIC at the time of migration to RBC. • The product will continue to be considered non-redeemable prior to...
Your GIC will be migrated to a Non-Redeemable GIC at Royal Bank of Canada. If your GIC has not issued any payments prior to migration, after migration to Royal Bank of Canada, it will be converted to an RBC Income Builder GIC, that will distribute payments monthly to you for up to one...
1 year 3.15% RBC Non-Redeemable GIC - Special Offer 1 year 2.80% RBC Non-Redeemable GIC 1 year 2.25% RBC Cashable GIC - Special Offer 1 year 2.00% RBC One-Year Cashable GIC 1.5 years 2.85% RBC Non-Redeemable GIC 2 years 3.50%, up to 12.50% RBC Canadian Banking MarketSmart GIC 2...
Choice of cashable or non-redeemable version Funds accessible on each anniversary date – in cash or to re-invest if interest rates rise (cashable version) View Details about RateAdvantage GIC Best if: You want to have access to competitive rates that are guaranteed to increase each year Yo...
The RateAdvantage GIC from RBC Royal Bank is an escalator GIC that offers an interest rate guaranteed to increase each year.
The best way to know how much you can contribute for the current year (also known as your RRSP deduction limit) is to check your most recentNotice of Assessment from the CRA. As a guideline, however, you can contribute (for the current year) the lower of: ...