The valve drive is for the inlet valves of a piston-driven combustion engine, in which one of the alternately charged pressure chambers (9S; 9F) on the face side of the blocking element (9) is connected with the chamber (41) above the play adjuster (5). The connection is made via one...
王强前往墨竹工卡县调研重点工作 11月5日,市委副书记、市长王强前往墨竹工卡县调研防震减灾、项目建设等重点工作。 拉萨融媒记者 多吉吉布摄 拉萨融媒讯(记者余洋洋)11月5日,市委副书记、市长王强前往墨竹工卡县调研防震减灾、项目建设等重点工作。强调,要坚持人民至上、生命至上,远近结合、综合施策,全面提升防灾...