即是节点x父节点x->parent的兄弟_Rb_tree_node_base* __y = __x->_M_parent->_M_parent->_M_left;if(__y && __y->_M_color == _S_rb_tree_red) {//若叔叔节点存在,且为红色__x->_M_parent->_M
但是,不应该通过iterator去改变元素值(key),因为会破坏红黑树的排序规则 红黑树的设计本身,并没有要求是否可以重复key值,并且提供了两种insertion操作:insert_unique()和insert_equal() 如果调用第一个并且元素重复,就会安插失败 回到顶部 源码G2.9 key表示关键字类型 value表示key和data合起来的类型 keyofvalue表示如...
insertion rb tree do as binary search tree then fix up fulfill rb tree properties. code snap voidrb_insert(T,z){y=NIL(T);x=root(T);while(x!=NIL(T)){//find proper leaf position store in yy=x;if(k(z)<k(x))x=l(x);elsex=r(x);}p(z)=y;// z's parent -> yif(y==NI...
Map/Multimap以rb_tree为底层结构,其特点如下: Map、Multiset排序依据为key; map的key必须唯一,其insert为rb_tree的insert_unique();multimap的key可以重复,其insert是rb_tree的insert_equal(); map将key_type设置为const,禁止用户修改key,允许用户修改data; multimap不可使用[ ]做insertion map的实现 底层调用rb_...
Lookup, insertion, and deletion are performed in O(log N) time in the expected and worst cases. On the other hand, the average case complexity of lookup/insertion/deletion on a Hash is constant time. A Hash is usually faster than a RBTree where ordering is unimportant. The elements of ...
The SPLAY_INSERT() macro inserts the new element elm into the tree. Upon success, NULL is returned. If a matching element already exists in the tree, the insertion is aborted, and a pointer to the existing element is returned. The SPLAY_REMOVE() macro removes the element elm from the tr...
The RB_INSERT() macro inserts the new element elm into the tree. Upon success, NULL is returned. If a matching element already exists in the tree, the insertion is aborted, and a pointer to the existing element is returned. The RB_REMOVE() macro removes the element elm from the tree...
- rb_insert_color_cached(node, cached_root, new) - rb_erase_cached(node, cached_root) In addition, augmented cached interfaces are also added for basic insertion and deletion operations; which becomes important for the interval tree changes. With the exception of the inserts, which adds a ...
An implementation of a Red/Black Binary Search Tree. Originally created in 2014, this library has been thouroughly tested and battle hardened. Binary search trees exhibit the following characteristics: Insertion: O(log n) Removal: O(log n) Search: O(log n) ...