EscapeFromTarkov 2019-11-20 14-22-21.bmp Door Location Inside RB-RH part 1.png Inside the room Inside RH-RH 2.png Inside the room Keys & Keycards Woods Key ZB-014· Yotota car key· Shturman key Factory Door key· Door key (alternative)· Factory exit key Interchange Key to ...
TheRB-MP13 key(RB-MP13) 是逃离塔科夫中的钥匙。 介绍 Military base key 钥匙生成地点 夹克 Scav 的口袋和背包 可解锁地点 First floor of the eastern repair point building onReserve. The building is labeled with a white chess knight on it. (Highlighted in green) ...