Military base key 钥匙生成地点 夹克 Scav 的口袋和背包 立交桥 On a shelf of a cabinet in Generic 可解锁地点 Basement level of the Airspace Control Center (King) onReserve. (Highlighted in green) 文件:RB-OP lock location.png 解锁后可见 ...
The key on the desk 可解锁地点 On the second floor of the Radar Station ofReserve; the first door on the left if you walk down the hallway after coming up the stairs. 文件:RB-KORL lock location.png 解锁后可见 TwoDrawers Folder with intelligencespawns on desk and on top of the two dra...
Military base key 钥匙生成地点 Scav 的口袋和背包 夹克 储备站 Underground of Reserve 可解锁地点 On the west side first floor of the building north of the helicopter marked with a Black Bishop on theReservemap. (Highlighted in green) 文件:RB-AM lock location.png ...
TheRB-ST key(RB-ST) 是逃离塔科夫中的钥匙。 介绍 Military base key 钥匙生成地点 夹克 Scav 的口袋和背包 可解锁地点 In the Repair Warehouses of the Repair Point Buildings onReserve. RB-ST lock location.png Location highlighted in green on the map ...
Military base key 注意 PMC物品栏最多同时存放2个 钥匙生成地点 夹克 Scav 的口袋和背包 可解锁地点 East barracks onReserve. South end of the Pawn east Building, Basement. (Highlighted in green) 文件:RB-BK lock location.png 解锁后可见 Rare LooseLoot ...
文件:Rb-ao-key.jpg 可解锁地点 Inside the Military Barracks in the North West ofReserve. (Highlighted in green) 文件:RB-AO lock location.png 解锁后可见 5 x Weapon racks (AK-74N,AKS-74U,AKS-74N,AKS-74UB,AKS-74UN) 散落的战利品 (Weapon mods) ...
TheRB-AK key(RB-AK) 是逃离塔科夫中的钥匙。 介绍 Military base key. 注意 You can enter this room without a key by dropping onto the awning outside the window from upstairs or by jumping into the window frame of the room next to it and running to the awning. ...
Reserve base key 钥匙生成地点 夹克 Scav 的口袋和背包 可解锁地点 This key opens the south-west caged off storage area in the Underground Storage Bunkers onReserve(Highlighted in green). RB-PSP2 lock location.png Location on Reserve highlighted in green ...
TheRB-KPRL key(RB-KPRL) 是逃离塔科夫中的钥匙。 介绍 Military base key 钥匙生成地点 夹克 Scav 的口袋和背包 可解锁地点 Southern most small building near radio tower on reserves. Guard Building outside of the Radar Tower onReserve. RB-KPRL lock location.png ...
Military base key 钥匙生成地点夹克 Scav 的口袋和背包可解锁地点This lock is located in the white king building, third floor (highlighted in green). 文件:RB-RH lock location.png 解锁后可见Weapon rack spawn Weapon spawn on table. 2x Drawers画廊...