Follow these steps to change the phone number: Log in to the Dashboard. Navigate toAccount & Settings. Click the edit icon next to thePhone numberfield. Enter the OTP sent to your registered email address and clickConfirm. Enter the new phone number and clickUpdate. You can add the email ...
This is where you enter the Key ID that we generated in the previous step. Make sure you input the information correctly. Also make sure you input the LIVE keys, and not the test ones. Live: Key Secret This is where you enter the Key Secret that we generated in the previous step. Ma...
Different keys for test mode and live modes. Expired API key. Solution Contact number should be at least 8 digits, including country code. Error Status: 400 The contact number is less than 8 digits. Solution Curl change language change language 1 curl -u [YOUR_KEY_ID]:[YOUR_KEY_SECRET...
secret:'secret'})// Give razorpay the details and let it construct the payment for you.awaitclient.createPayout({account_number:'<account_number_created_in fund_account>',details:{fund_account_id:"fa_E2i8yMbO5rag3Es",amount:10000,currency:'INR',mode:'NEFT',purpose:'payout',queue_if_lo...
17.0-avoid-test-frontend-truplicate-tests-xdo (odoo/odoo#179344) 17.0-barcode-delivery-package-weight-arm (odoo/odoo#174369) 17.0-base_fix_contact_template_phone_flex-lole (odoo/odoo#169184) 17.0-base_import_module-fix-list-view-dhrs 17.0-bottom-bar-horizonal-scroll-adrm 17.0-bundle-websi...
prefill.put("email","") prefill.put("contact","9021066696") options.put("prefill",prefill) } options.put("prefill",prefill),options) }catch (e: Exception){ Toast.makeText(activity,"Error in payment: "+ e.message,Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() e.printS...
This is where you enter the Key ID that we generated in the previous step. Make sure you input the information correctly. Also make sure you input the LIVE keys, and not the test ones. Live: Key Secret This is where you enter the Key Secret that we generated in the previous step. Ma...
12. Drug test circumvention aids which includes drug cleansing shakes, urine test additives, and related items;13. Endangered species which includes plants, animals or other organisms (including product derivatives) in danger of extinction;14. Gaming/gambling which includes lottery tickets, sports bets...
India Malaysia Singapore Use this endpoint to retrieve the details of all the customers. Is this page helpful? Query Parameters count integer The number of customer records to be retrieved from the system. The default value is 10. The maximum value is 100. This can be used for pagination in...