Razorcat ist auf der Embedded World in Nürnberg. Diese findet statt vom 11. bis 13. März 2025. Die Standnummer von Razorcat ist: 4-420 in Halle 4. https://www.embedded-world.de/ Zertifiziertes TestenTESSY ist qualifiziert für sicherheitsrelevante Software-Entwicklung gemäß den Norm...
TESSY는 Razorcat의 임베디드 소프트웨어 테스트를 위한 최고의 도구입니다.TESSY는 다양한 대상 시스템에서 C/C++로 임베디드 소프트웨어에 대한 회귀 테스트를 포함하여 전체 단위 테스...
Fax: + 49 (30) 53 63 57-60 sales@razorcat.com Web:www.razorcat.de Return to Green Hills Software's partner directory
A license for TESSY V5.1 for Razorcat Floating License Server FLS V8.2 is also valid for all previous versions of TESSY V2.x/V3.x/V4.1/4.2 and V4.3. There are no changes required for older TESSY installations to contact an FLS for TESSY V5.1. Can I just update the license file of...
2followers Berlin, Germany http://www.razorcat.com info@razorcat.com Popular repositoriesLoading elevatorPublic Project with source code and documentation for our elevator exhibition demonstrator. Repositories Loading Type Language Sort Showing 2 of 2 repositories ...
TESSY 5.1by RAZORCAT Automated unit and regression testing of embedded software expand_less The powerful and certified Unit and Integration Testing Tool for C / C ++ Embedded Software with support for a wide range of microcontrollers, compiler environments and target platforms. TESSY is qualified for...
网络研讨会将邀请 Visure Solutions 高级顾问 Louis Arduin 和 Razorcat Development GmbH 高级软件质量顾问 Thomas Dirsch 参加。本次活动是专业人士了解管理和验证需求的最佳实践和创新解决方案的绝佳机会。 Visure 的合作伙伴计划将安全关键型制造商与世界一流的供应商和解决方案联系起来,帮助推动他们的业务取得成功,并...
Razorcat at the embedded world 2025 We cordially invite you and look forward to welcoming you in person atEmbedded World 2025in Nuremberg from March 11th to 13th, 2025. Please visit our booth inHall 4, Stand 4-420and find out about the latest developments and trends in testing for safety ...
Razorcat at the embedded world 2025 We cordially invite you and look forward to welcoming you in person atEmbedded World 2025in Nuremberg from March 11th to 13th, 2025. Please visit our booth inHall 4, Stand 4-420and find out about the latest developments and trends in testing for safety ...