More weather in Bulgaria Forecast for the next 2 weeks 星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日 20 21 22 23 View historic weather 24 13 / 2 °C 25 8 / 2 °C 26 12 / 1 °C 27 14 / -1 °C 28 15 / 0 °C 29 16 / 2 °C ...
Razgrad Province - Bulgaria 2025-01-21 2025-01-21 05:010° Cloudy AQI 23 Today: It's Cloudy during the day and Cloudy at night, little colder than yesterday. AQI is good. 8KM/H NE 59% Humidity Very Low UV -3° Feels Like 24km Visibility 0.0mm Precipitation 1022hPa ...
12:00 am EET (Eastern European Time) (Razgrad, Bulgaria). Offset UTC +2:00 hours 10:00 pm GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) (Edenfield, United Kingdom). Offset UTC 0:00 hours 12:00 am Razgrad, Bulgaria / 10:00 pm Edenfield, United Kingdom Razgrad, BulgariaEdenfield, United Kingdom 12...
As one of the smaller towns in Bulgaria, Razgrad is still an excellent addition to your itinerary. The ancient buildings are worthy of at least a day trip. Area restaurants are worth sampling some of the local fares. Hunters will want to spend a few days in Razgrad. The hunting in Vode...
Razgrad is a small city located in northeastern Bulgaria, known for its rich history and cultural heritage. Despite being a lesser-known destination, Razgrad is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered by travelers seeking a unique and authentic experience. The city has a lot to offer, from its...
more than any other club in Bulgaria. Ludogorets are also only the second Bulgarian team after Levski Sofia to enter the group stage of the UEFA Champions League, a feat which they achieved in the following 2014–15 season. During that same campaign, they became the first Bulgarian team to...
Home Weather Bulgaria Razgrad ClimateClimate & Weather Averages in Razgrad, BulgariaTime/General Weather Time Zone DST Changes Sun & Moon Weather TodayWeather Hourly14 Day ForecastYesterday/Past WeatherClimate (Averages) Currently: 0°C. Clear. (Weather station: Razgrad, Bulgaria). See more ...
国际足联 FIFA 欧洲足球联合会 UEFA 保加利亚 Bulgaria 拉兹格勒 Razgrad拉兹格勒 Razgrad 联赛 2012/13 保加利亚地区甲级联赛拉兹格勒区 A Regional Football Group Razgrad 中部组 Central Arsenal Lavino Edinstvo Kitanchevo Hanovete Isperih Levski Podayva Starasila Staroselishte Strela Todorovo Vihar Vladimir...
拉兹格勒当地时间 时区代码:Europe/Sofia 所处时区:东2区 2024年12月3日01 : 04 : 34 保加利亚 拉兹格勒 Razgrad 0° 多云 优 东北风 <3级 湿度 湿度 气压Pa 05时 东北风 <3级 08时 东风 <3级 11时 东风 <3级 14时 东风 <3级 17时 东北风 <3级 20时 东风 <3级 23时 东风 <...
Razgrad is situated in northeastern Bulgaria, 137 km northwest of Varna and Varna airport, 375 km northeast of Sofia and 66 km southeast of Rousse. It takes a bit less than two hours with a private transfer to reach Razgrad from Varna airport. The present town of Razgrad has spreaded fro...