usingtheGamingModeTabinRazerSynapse.AnindicatorwilllightupwhenGaming Modeisactive. 9|razer™ ON-THE-FLY(OTF)MACRORECORDING(MAC) FollowthesestepstocreateanOTFMacroRecording: 1.Pressthekeycombinationtostartrecording. 2.TheMacroRecordingIndicatorwilllightuptoshowthatthedeviceisreadyto record. 3.Typeinthekeys...
RazerSynapseenabled 1000HzUltrapolling Fullyprogrammablekeyswithontheflymacrorecording DedicatedGamingMode Anti-ghostingcapabilityforupto10simultaneouskeypresses Braidedcable Fixedwristrest APPROXIMATESIZEWEIGHT: Width460mm/18.11” ...
C.On-The-Flymacrorecordkey D.Gamingmodekey E.Backlightcontrolkeys F.Sleepmodekey G.LEDindicators FORGAMERS.BYGAMERS.6 5.INSTALLINGYOURRAZERBLACKWIDOWXTOURNAMENTEDITION CHROMA Step1:ConnectyourRazerdevicetotheUSBportofyourcomputer. Step2:InstallRazerSynapsewhenprompted*ordownloadtheinstallerfrom /synapse. ...
One of the major differences between Razer Synapse 2 and 3 is that the later version supports modular plugins. This would control the extent that the software is working when some of its portions are not in use. Currently, Razer Synapse 3.0 offers two types of modules: the Macro recording m...
步驟5:打開RazerSynapse2.0,並登入你的帳號。 步驟6:稍候一下,安裝軟體將會自動下載並執行。 17|razer™ 8.設定你的RAZEROUROBOROS 注意事項:在此所列出的各項規格,建立在RazerSynapse2.0已被妥善安裝的前提下。各項規格可能依您 目前軟體的版本以及您電腦的作業系統而有所不同。 滑鼠頁籤 當您首次安裝RazerSynaps...
I`ve bought a Razor Naga V2Pro and tried to bind the hotkeys to it with Macros. Unfortunately its imposible neither to import Macros from the previous Synapse versions nor to rename Macro while creating a new ones macro help Like Quote Subscribe Share ...
Download Razer Synapse 3Chroma WorkshopTT RGB PLUS & Razer Chroma Sync Guide *At least one Razer Chroma product and one TT RGB PLUS product is required for synchronization. WORKS WITH AMAZON ALEXA All Thermaltake TT RGB PLUS products support Amazon Alexa Voice Service, allowing you to control ...
As with other Razer keyboards, customization via Razer Synapse is a big part of the package. Like with the BlackWidow V4 Pro, you'll be able to remap your keys and fine-tune RGB backlighting. The keyboard also includes a multi-function digital dial, as well as two dedicated control button...
This function will only be visible when the Macro module is installed. FOR G AMER S. BY G AMERS.™ 16 Inter-device Inter-device allows you to change the functionality of other Razer Synapse-enabled devices. Some of these functionalities are device-specific such as using your Razer gaming ...
There are two versions of the Razer Synapse software one is the 2.0 and the other is 3 Beta. The Synapse 3 Beta is the successor of the 2.0 version which has a new user interface, advanced macro capabilities, a Razer Hypershift feature, etc. ...