Analog CMOS IC Design by Razavi 第三章阅读记录 而今迈步从头越 IC 后端仿真: process corner 和 PVT 转载: IC 后端仿真: process corner 和 PVT1、工艺角(Process Corner) 与双极晶体管不同,在不同的晶片之间以及在不同的批次之间,MOSFETs 参数变化很 大。为了在一定程度上减轻电路设… 狼群里的牧羊犬打开...
拉扎维 Razavi Analog CMOS 课后习题答案 CORRECTIONS TO SOLUTIONS MANUAL In the new edition, some chapter problems have been reordered and equations and figure refer-ences have changed. The solutions manual is based on the preview edition and therefore must be corrected to apply to the new ...