1. 首先要登陆这个网站:http://www.raz-kids.com 如果是第一次登陆这个网站,会看到这个画面,在页面右上角,标注有KIDS LOGIN,点击选择学生登陆 2. 在出现的老师名称栏输入老师的名字 建议在平板上安装razkids的APP. 孩子用起来更方便,APP是免费的。 3. 然后会出现学生姓名列表,如下图所示: 点击孩子名字后,输...
Reading A-Z+Raz-Kids构成了Learning A-Z's Reading Solution,也就是raz-plus,这是一套成体系的阅读学习方案。 2.reading a-z(教师或者家长使用,只有电脑端可以使用) 书目与plus一样,教辅比plus少 Reading A-Z除了学生的学习材料,还提供教师材料,更适合叫做教编,包含各种老师讲课所需要的内容,每课的知识重点...
欢迎收听由主播Happytalk创作的【RAZ Kids 分级阅读, A级 视频版(带字幕)】,目前已更新41个节目,最新音频章节“A42--我听到什么--What Do I Hear”。口语、英语、语言、零基础、美式发音有声读物推荐,高清全集在线收听,小说完整版打包下载。
4242 The Kids Built It 4343 Lazy Lulu 4444 Light and Heavy 4545 Make a Superhero! 4646 Maria and Her Teacher 4747 Mixing Colors 4848 Mouse in the City 4949 My Brain 5050 My Pet Dinosaur 5151 Near and Far Away 5252 The New Forest Path 5353 Old and New 5454 On Thanksgiving 5555 On the...
, you can measure students' progress and decide their appropriate level. The chart below provides guidelines on when to move a student up or down a level. You can easily change a student's level in the Kids A-Z student profile page, which will automatically move them into the Level Up!
Essential K-5 literacy suite that pairs the teacher resources of Reading A-Z and the student practice opportunities of Raz-Kids,plus more Features Digital assignments and assessments Independent practice aligned with instruction Detailed performance reports ...
2 LeveL Lesson n ( ) Laws for Kids Set the Purpose • Have students use what they already know about laws to help them read the book. Remind them to think about effects of not following laws as they read. During Reading Student Reading • Guide the reading: Give students their copy...
简单的说raz-plus=reading A-Z+raz Kids,内容最为全面 raz-plus每一课(每一本书)包含内容 RAZ之所以成为美国公立小学阅读能力训练的标配,就是因为reading a-z提供了完整的教学体系。 从上图我们可以看到在RAZ-plus中不但有电子书下载,还可以下载教学计划,教学目标,练习纸等等,并符合美国教学大纲在阅读能力方面的...
26、you one of those kids who wonders whether astronomers search for aliens in their telescopes? I actually heard someone ask that question during my tour of Kitt Peak . Butmost people know thats science fiction, not science . Astronomers, even amateurs like me, study stars, planets, and gal...
kidsrunningaroundmakinglotsofnoise,parentschasingtheirkidstogetthemtositdown,and mothersrockingtheirbabiestogetthemtostopcrying.Theauthoruseddescriptivewordstohelp meformanimageinmymind. • Read page 4 aloud to students. Ask them to use the words in the story to visualize the events. Have them shar...