Raymond James acquires Financial Service Corporation and folds it into IM&R, forming the first large-scale network of independent financial advisors. 1976 The firm begins offering correspondent clearing services to independent broker/dealers. Raymond James Asset Management, later Eagle Asset Management an...
“Throughout this process, our long-held admiration of Charles Stanley and our belief that our firms share a common, client-centric approach were proven repeatedly,” Raymond James, chairman, and Paul Reilly, chief executive, said. The US firm operates in the UK under the name of Raymond Jam...
with the collaboration of Stanley Cobb, M.D. and Walter Bauer, M.D. Cambridge, Mass., 1959, The Commonwealth Fund, Harvard University Press. Pp. 127. Price $6.00doi:10.1016/0021-9681(59)90124-9Charles N. LuttrellElsevier Inc.Journal of Chronic Diseases...
Charles Mattia, Vincent Mccarthy, James Miller, John Nurczyk, Romano Orlando, Bert Scott, Joseph Telesco, Stanley Gingolaski, Edith Howard, Raymond Hovino, Edward Jurczak, John King, Sherman Platt, Philip Kishel, Louise Kocak, Stephanie Lebell, Thomas Prall, Solon Robbins, Harry Sands, Felix...