1964年,该公司通过与另一家家族公司雷蒙德(Raymond)和联营公司(Raymond and Associates)合并,扩展到了布雷登顿-萨拉索塔地区。合并后的公司更名为瑞杰金融公司Raymond James&Associates(RJ&A)。托马斯·詹姆斯(Thomas A. James)于1966年从哈佛商学院毕业后加入了他父亲的公司。他到任后,该公司开始为本地小型公司处理债...
他创立了三家设计公司:位于纽约的Raymond Loewy and Associates(RLA),伦敦的Raymond Loewy International和巴黎的Compagnie de I'Esthetique Industrielle。 他的着作包括《机车:它的美学》(1937),自传《永远不够孤独》(1951)和《工业设计》(1951),他的著作《工业设计》在日本被翻译成《从口红到机车》,直接的影响到...
Looking for Raymond Poincare? Find out information about Raymond Poincare. The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia . It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Born Aug. 20, 1860, in Bar-le-Duc, Meuse; died... Explanation of Raymon
An excerpt from the book "THE WALL STREET TRANSCRIPT" is presented. INSET: Highlights.EBSCO_bspWall Street Transcript
霍尼韦尔(中国)有限公司怎么了?Raymond James & Associates)减持霍尼韦尔国际公司(Honeywell International Inc.,NASDAQ: HON)的股份,减持幅度为...
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CRHA - C. Raymond Hunt Associates. Looking for abbreviations of CRHA? It is C. Raymond Hunt Associates. C. Raymond Hunt Associates listed as CRHA