RAYMARINE ST60 风向风俗仪 价格:面议 最小采购量:1 主营产品: 供应商:上海科维高电子有限公司 所在地:中国 联系人:张秀清 联系电话 点此询价 买家还在看 数字风速仪 型号 QDF-6库号:M24... burkert宝德电磁阀原装德国力士乐 ... 供应:´AZ-insrtum... ...
商品型号:应急船用 Raymarine I60 wind 船用风速风向仪 英国雷松原装 ST60传感器 订货编码:100074649126 包装规格:- 选择型号 生活污水接头 50 生活污水接头 60 船用GPS导航仪 船员落水个人定位示位标 多功能北斗船用显示终端 XF-808船用GPS导航仪 渔网定位示位标 ...
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Raymarine SUNCOVER FOR ST60 PLUS SERIES & ST6002 PILOT A25004-P 41,99 € 2Shops Raymarine Seatalk 3 Pines Ng Adapter 20,99 € 2Shops Raymarine Bare Wires Branch 1 M 41,99 € 1Geschäft Raymarine SeaTalkNG To Spur Cable Right Angle Adapter 20,99 € 1Geschäft Raymarine Seatalk ...
Disabled radar overlay feature for MFDs which have not been interfaced to a heading data source (ex. autopilot, Smart Heading System, ST60 Compass, etc.). Previous C-Series Classic MFD software releases permitted radar overlay when interfaced to a COG (vessel had to have a SOG of at least...
Raymarine I60船用风向风速仪 i60风向风速仪是Raymarine继ST60后推出的又一款新型风向风速仪。在沿袭ST60风向风速仪性能优势的基础上,改进了外观造型。时尚简约的外观及新增的前面板安装,使之成为与c/e系列*搭配的
Open Source Wireless remote for Raymarine ST1000/ST2000 autopilots as well as ST60 speed timer. esp32 autopilot boat sailing 433mhz opencpn nmea0183 seatalk raymarine Updated Jul 11, 2024 C++ atonizzo / seatalk_wifi Star 9 Code Issues Pull requests A bridge between Raymarine's Seatalk pro...
Raymarine EV-200 Sail Linear Drive Evolution Autopilot [T70158] Furuno NavPilot 711C Control Unit [FAP7011C] Add $1,034.99current price $1,034.99Furuno NavPilot 711C Control Unit [FAP7011C] Comparison Chart: Dimensions 21.00 x 17.00 x 8.00 InchesRaymarine EV-200 Power Evolution Autopilot [...
">ST60+WIND备注工作电压12V DC
A review by Dan Corcoran:The RaymarineST60 Graphic,ST70, and theGarmin GMI10began a transformation away from specialized instrument displays for wind, depth, speed, compass, and autopilots in large part due to the availability of sensor information from data buses like Seatalk and NMEA-2000. Alt...