当您第一次尝试为提供可写入像素缓冲区的新平台编写代码时,您只能编写两种类型的“Hello World”应用程序 - Mandelbrot 集或小型 raytracer/raymarcher。在 2005 年,Pixel shaders 3.0 对我来说就是这样一个平台,因为它是第一个允许条件分支的着色器模型。它仍然不如常规 CPU 编程或当前的 GPU 着色器灵活,但足...
Ray tracing examples and tutorials using VK_KHR_ray_tracing tutorialvulkanraytracing UpdatedSep 17, 2024 C++ gkjohnson/three-gpu-pathtracer Sponsor Star1.4k Code Issues Pull requests Path tracing renderer and utilities for three.js built on top of three-mesh-bvh. ...
Rasterizer作为一个GPU固定硬件已久,而相比之下,Ray Tracing并没有所谓的配套硬件或一套标准去支持它。一直以来,Ray Tracing的实现以CPU为主,也可通过GPU的ALU加速完成部分功能,各种实现手段五花八门。 光栅化最显著的优点是性能高,一个是渲染速度快(高帧速率),再一个是Memory的Coherence好(低功耗)。在芯片工艺不...
Vulkan Ray Query技术方案, 打造极致移动游戏光追平台 MediaTek积极布局 Vulkan Ray Query 技术方案,携手行业合作伙伴开展密切合作,率先构建移动光追技术生态。此外,基于移动端游戏等应用的发展特征,提出移动GPU增效方案,针对GPU性能提升,搭配GPU周边技术,实现保持系统资源平衡的基础上,满足高复杂度内容的计算需求。从性能和...
英伟达推出了第一个基于GPU的通用的raytracing引擎,大概架构如上图,黄色部分需要用户自定义实现,而蓝色部分,主要是Ray-Object的Intersection部分则由OptiX实现。另外,整个逻辑层也由OptiX负责。 OptiX具有不错的通用性,用户可以根据自己的材质特点自定义自己的渲染模块,为RayTracing的渲染管线提供了一个可供参考的架构。至...
This collection of samples act as an introduction to DirectX Raytracing (DXR). The samples are divided into tutorials and advanced samples. Each tutorial sample introduces a few new DXR concepts. Advanced samples demonstrate more complex techniques and applications of raytracing....
Tech inside: Full ray tracing and DLSS 2. Watch Video Learn More FINAL FANTASY XVI FINAL FANTASY XVI introduces players to an all-new story in the FINAL FANTASY universe, set in the realm of Valistea, where peace falters as the spread of the Blight threatens to destroy their dominions...
enabling new levels of GPU performance, advancing the creative process faster than customers have experienced before, bringing RTX technology to those users needing to scale their rendering, and RTX providing faster rendering and unleashing the creative minds of media and entertainment professionals; Quadr...
The Radeon Raytracing Analyzer (RRA) is a tool to visualize and inspect Bounding Volume Hierarchies (BVH) for ray tracing applications. - GPUOpen-Tools/radeon_raytracing_analyzer