现可通过 Apress 免费下载 Ray Tracing Gems II 电子版。可点击 “阅读原文” 跳转官网下载页面。 所有对实时渲染感兴趣的人都应该拥有这本书籍。光线追踪能够模拟光线的物理行为,以及为视觉效果最丰富的游戏带来实时电影级渲染,它是游戏图形学领域至关重要的一项技术。光线追踪还是一种用于建筑应用、可视化、声音模拟...
老黄不食言,Ray Tracing Gems 全家桶现已免费送出Ray Tracing Gems 实体书将于三月中旬出版,踩着 GDC 和 GTC 的时间点现场将有发售。正如之前 nvidia 官网宣布的,电子版不仅免费放出,而且比实体版提前发布。 …
Ray Tracing Gems II will be “Open Access” under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY-NC-ND), “which permits use, duplication, distribution, and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as appropriate credit is given to the original author(s)...
Ray Tracing Gems II first run was printed in five covers, four custom to the first run. Beside NVIDIA's "Marbles at Night" cover to the left, there was a cover for Remedy Entertainment's game Control, a cover for Epic Games's Fortnite, a cover for Ubisoft's Watch Dogs: Legion, and...
1Ray Tracing Gems II - Next Generation Real-Time Rendering with DXR,Vulkan,and OptiX-Apress英文PDF下载 1.1 书籍简介 光线追踪是游戏图形的圣杯,它模拟光的物理行为,为即使是视觉效果最强烈的游戏带来实时、电影品质的渲染。光线追踪也是一种用于架构应用、可视化、声音模拟、深度学习等的基本算法。
Ray Tracing Gems 实体书将于三月中旬出版,踩着 GDC 和 GTC 的时间点现场将有发售。正如之前 nvidia 官网宣布的,电子版不仅免费放出,而且比实体版提前发布。 可谓官方的“偷跑”。 这不是 NVIDIA 第一次送书了,上一回是为了普及可编程管线、GPGPU 及 CUDA,在 GPU Gems 三部曲的纸质版发布多年后,提供免费的...
Enter to Win a Limited Edition Hardcover To celebrate the release of Ray Tracing Gems II, we’re giving away copies of our limited edition hardcovers, which feature four limited edition versions of the book, including custom covers that highlight real-time ray tracing in Fortnite, Control, Wa...
This repository accompanies Ray Tracing Gems: High-Quality and Real-Time Rendering with DXR and Other APIs by Eric Haines and Tomas Akenine-M�ller (Apress, 2019).See http://raytracinggems.com for further information about the book.
1. Ray Tracing Terminology, by Eric Haines and Peter Shirley 2. What is a Ray? by Peter Shirley, Ingo Wald, Tomas Akenine-Mller, and Eric Haines 3. Introduction to DirectX Raytracing, by Chris Wyman and Adam Marrs 4. A Planetarium Dome Master Camera, by John E. Stone ...
Ray Tracing Gems II (884-page full e-book) August 11, 2021, 05:50:58 PM Ray Tracing Gems II Next Generation Real-Time Rendering with DXR, Vulkan, and OptiX Download: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-4842-7185-8