AMD FidelityFX进化完全体:RayTracing+FSR效果测试 本测试纯属兴趣使然,欢迎在评论区讨论 一直以来都有AMD fidelityFX效果的争论,因为大部分特效都没有实装游戏,应用得比较广泛的CAS效果也显得一般。但是明显AMD并没有就此放下自家的特效群,6月直接整了一波猛的,公布了自家的SuperResolution,从此A家的超分水平又上了一...
近日,知名游戏主播Digital Dreams发布了一段《上古卷轴5》的视频。在视频中,他展示了在游戏中加载了上千个MOD以及启用光追(Reshade Ray Tracing)后的画面效果,给观众带来了强烈的视觉冲击。 据Digital Dreams介绍,为了拍摄这个视频,他使用了强大的硬件配置,包括AMD Ryzen 9 7950X处理器和NVIDIA RTX 4090显卡。在原...
在理想情况下,如果 ray tracing 方向与 occupancy map 的 z 轴方向一致(也就是所谓的 ray-aligned,见下右图),那么从 map 中读取一个字节就相当于能做 8 次 voxel marching;而更普遍的情况下, ray tracing 方向不会和 map 的 z 轴方向一致(下左图),可能需要读取多个字节并只用到其中少部分 bit 来做 voxe...
生化危机8将支持在PC端上使用AMD Ray-Tracing Capcom的RE引擎在《生化危机8》上运行时看起来已经很不错了,但是与AMD的合作关系将使其支持增强光线追踪的功能。《生化危机8》( Resident Evil Village)距离发布时间越来越近,离《生化危机8》5月7日预告的的发布日期距离现在而言只有两个月。在伊桑·温特斯(Ethan ...
Although ray tracing is a staple of modern GPUs, that doesn’t make it any less demanding. Nvidia offersDeep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS)for its cards to improve performance. On the other hand, AMD hasFidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR), which works with both Nvidia and AMD cards. We recom...
生化危机8将支持在PC端上使用AMD Ray-Tracing Capcom的RE引擎在《生化危机8》上运行时看起来已经很不错了,但是与AMD的合作关系将使其支持增强光线追踪的功能。 《生化危机8》( Resident Evil Village)距离发布时间越来越近,离《生化危机8》5月7日预告的的发布日期距离现在而言只有两个月。在伊桑·温特斯(Ethan Wi...
Although ray tracing is mostly focused on PCs, it’s starting to work its way into other devices. Apple recentlyannounced that the iPhone 15’s A17 Bionic chipis capable of hardware-accelerated ray tracing, including in games. What about AMD?
While Ray Tracing has worked on Linux for a long time with NVIDIA, the situation with Mesa+AMD is still being worked out but the good news is that it's all finally coming together. Developer Bas Nieuwenhuizen wrote in anew blog postabout the current situation noting that after o...
Solved: Hello, I just got a new PC and was pumped to crank some settings and play some games with ray tracing. However, it is not going according to plan. I
AMD Fluid Motion Frames 2 第二代帧生成技术AFMF 2_ 6款游戏FPS帧数对比 + 包括Ray Tracing光线追踪- 09:29 FSR 2.2 vs FSR 3.1 vs XeSS 1.3 vs DLSS 3.7 - 哪一个更好,为什么? 13:30 最后生还者(The Last of Us Part 1) - FSR3 帧生成 - 官方更新-GTX 1650游戏FPS帧数测试 ...