Birmingham: Kynoch Press. (Present distributor Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht.) Larson AC, Von Dreele RB (1994) GSAS Generalized Structure Analysis System. Document LAUR 87-748, Los Alamos National Laboratory Pipping F (1966) The dehydration and chemical composition of laumontite. Miner Soc ...
High energy X-ray phase contrast tomography is tremendously beneficial to the study of thick and dense materials with poor attenuation contrast. Recently, the X-ray speckle-based imaging technique has attracted widespread interest because multimodal cont
Department of Optometry, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 1025 18th Street South, Birmingham, AL 35233, USAInternational Union of CrystallographyActa Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology Communicationsemsp14;Å resolution X-ray crystal structure of Rv3902c from Mycobacterium tuberculosis[J]...
The Gabrieli Consort, The English Concert, City of Birmingham Symphony Royal Scottish National Orchestras, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, The European Union Chamber Orchestra, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Early Opera Group, La Nuova Musica, and at the Al Bustan International Music and London Handel Fes...
Allison campaigned the famous #6 Dodge for Cotton Owens in 1967, entering 9 races and winning 1 of them, at Birmingham, Alabama. He also had a couple of 2nd place finishes, including Richmond and Hampton, as well as several 3rd place finishes at Beltsville, Charlotte and Montgomery. In 197...
ed., Buerger et al. eds, Kynoch Press, Birmingham, England, 1976 8. D.P. Koistinen, R.E. Marburger, Trans. ASM, 51, 537 (1959) 9. M.R. James, “An Examination of Experimental Techniques in X-ray Residual Stress Analysis”, Ph.D. Thesis, Northwestern University, Evanston, II., ...