Optics is the branch of physics which is concerned with light and it's behavioural pattern and properties. Visit BYJU’S to learn about ray optics, spherical mirrors, optical instruments and more.
Check with your computer manufacturer to see if it supports Blu-ray disc playback. This is especially important if the computer did not originally ship with a Blu-ray disc drive and the drive was later added. If your computer manufacturer has confirmed that your computer supports Blu-ray disc...
If you have questions, issues, etc., please check the documentation and (open and closed) issues first, or open a new issue using the relevant template. If you would like to be kept up to date on (important) releases and new features, please join the Solcore/RayFlare mailing list here...
It is an important goal of the McStas and McXtrace projects to have the programs widely used, so if you have a reasonable request there is a good chance that we will be willing to help you out. Contacts for McStas are: Peter Kjaer Willendrup <pkwi@dtu.dk>/<peter.willendrup@ess.eu...
The “gold team” may not have felt as important as the other title, but Wolverine is overused anyway, and I always appreciated the side that let Storm be the leader. It was a rocky start, yet at least they were ambitious. Just can’t say it lived up to Chris Claremont’s quality ...
Our view of the universe in this spectral window has been limited because previous orbiting telescopes have not employed true focusing optics, but rather have used coded apertures that have intrinsically high backgrounds and limited sensitivity. The observatory provides a combination of sensitivity, ...
Synchrotron X-ray tomography enables the examination of the internal structure of materials at submicron spatial resolution and subsecond temporal resolution. Unavoidable experimental constraints can impose dose and time limits on the measurements, intro
The possible interdependence of these two important pelagic species raises new questions as to their migration patterns and increases the importance of protecting their common food source. In other parts of the world, mantas generally swim in the shallow waters over coral reefs and this also applies...
One of the biggest questions for me heading into Robert Eggers’ “Nosferatu” was how he would handle the undead title character. Would we see a harkening to the quiet evil of the 1922 version or something akin to Werner Herzog’s nuanced version in 1979? Having recently watched both in ...
Applied optics Optical techniques This article is cited by Far-field super-resolution chemical microscopy Mingwei Tang Yubing Han Ji-Xin Cheng Light: Science & Applications (2023) The intracellular milieu of Parkinson’s disease patient brain cells modulates alpha-synuclein protein aggregation Nadja...